Shanghai New International Expo Centre ( SNIEC)


展会情况:第114届中国日用品交易会第二天依旧火热 & the excitement of gathering power continues to be staged

The exhibition does not close, live more exciting, 第114届中国日用品交易会暨智慧生活博览会自7月23日拉开帷幕,切入“云”模式, the gathering of empowerment, popularity explosion, 是否已经全面点燃了整个百货家居市场.

On the first day of the exhibition, a huge number of fans of the exhibition online "spectators", 百货店创新的“云购物”模式会让大家叫“上瘾”. 7月24日,论坛第二天,现场活动更加精彩. 此外,展区展品不断展示实力, the new summit forum, 在线直播和TAP钻石VIP购买特别活动将轮流出现, a good show will live up to the audience's expectations for a year.

Accurately Capturing Department Store Trends, 《新皇冠app唯一官方网站》正式发布

为了更好地服务观众,使展会“新颖”、“有意图”, 联合会在第二天推出了一系列的专业论坛, attracting many professional audiences to visit, insight and share, 并在参观交流中获得知识和能力的提升.

In the morning, 首届举办“2020家居百货产品设计与未来趋势发布会”. Just like the fashion circle releasing fashion trends, 家居产品的时尚潮流也引领着整个行业的审美风向. In order to comply with the consumer upgrading, 百货协会与彩虹发展网络联合撰写并发布《新皇冠app唯一官方网站》, from the colour, theme, pattern, tableware, kitchenware, home textile design, product styling, eco-friendly, 材料等十大维度居百货行业前列, to help enterprises capture the industry trend. enterprises to capture the industry trend.

随官方发布《新皇冠app唯一官方网站》, the organisers specially invited Zhang Yiyi, the founder of the brand management consulting, to ascend the podium, to interpret the content of the report, 与观众一起探讨2021年百货和家居设计的趋势.


传统百货行业知识产权授权合作机会巨大, 越来越多的品牌开始意识到知识产权为其品牌带来的附加价值. 出席“知识产权授权促进百货行业高质量发展”主题论坛, the organisers gathered dealers, 百货行业上下游的代理商和厂商通过行业交流,关注知识产权授权,增加品牌吸引力和关注度.

Li Ling, Director of Licensing of China Toys and Baby Products Association, 《新皇冠app唯一官方网站》, while Qiu Fei, CEO of Shanghai Pinyuan Wenhua, Wang Wei, Manager of Shanghai New World Daimaru Department Store, Roy Rao, General Manager of You Yang Culture Media, and Chen Li, COO of Beijing Happy Culture, gave speeches on the topic of IP licensing, and discussed the development of IP licensing in the field. 他们还就知识产权授权的专业领域发表了演讲, 探讨发展规划,赋能传统百货行业.


The first day of the CDATF had a colourful online live broadcast, and the audience heat remained unabated on the second day. 大肚子迷你和辣德子两个头流美食主播出现在W7厅美食实验室, continue to put on food cooking show, and in the jitterbug synchronous live.

一日三餐的大众在食物上不仅仅是味蕾上的享受, more and more and the back of the powerful, full of design kitchen supplies intimate contact. This time, with the help of the department store platform, 观众粉丝有机会与他们的偶像深入互动, 品尝美食,体验品牌厨具的独特品质, and the excitement is overflowing. The grounded performances of Big Stomach mini and Spicy Dezi, 这深深体现了他们对幸福滋味的独特理解, made a deep impression.


在N5馆商务采购配对区推出的TAP钻石VIP会所服务,为13家企业提供服务, including Shandong Weifang Department Store, Tianhong Group, Hefei Fanming Commodity, Lianhua Supermarket, Sanjiang Shopping Club, Hualian Premium, and Reputation Building, 举办不同时段的“采购配对-特别活动”, 既完善了客户的购买体验,又让客户收获了大量的订单.

值得注意的是,参与采购匹配的三家公司来自电子商务和MCN组织, 哪些是百货公司新拓展的买家渠道, and each of them has a unique history. Xinxuan is a strictly selected brand founded by Mr Xin Youzhi, a famous netroots IP, and it is conservatively estimated that Xinxuan will create a GMV of 100 billion in 2020; Pink Elephant Life is a comprehensive sharing social e-commerce platform for the whole network and all categories, 致力于聚合和推荐综合电商/生活方式皇冠app唯一官方网站. 麻辣德子是中国领先的MCN机构,旗下品牌为无忧媒体, a net celebrity, Shake, Weibo and Taobao gold anchor, with ten million fans, 致力于从源头提供好商品,让用户享受更美好的生活. New head enterprises in the buyer's group of heaven, for the department store will bring a booming popularity, 而个人也收获了很多商机.

Enjoy good gifts when you visit the department store. In the Pinduoduo negotiation room in Hall N5, Pinduoduo, the strategic partner of the Department Stores Association, 为观众送上了三重礼物:第一份礼物是拼多多现场议价游, 第二件礼品是百货公司协会首选的限时礼品, and triple gift Department Stores industry traffic support. 拼多多三重礼品赋能“新百货”消费时代, and the gameplay is so simple that people can't refuse it, and both the exhibitors and the audience benefited a lot from it.

The 114th China Daily-use Articles Trade Fair, which is getting better and better, presented the same professionalism and excitement on the second day. The department store boutique, hot live broadcast, professional forum everywhere amazing; net red anchor, professional audience, massive orders are not a few. 明天,第114届中国日用品交易会将正式闭幕, looking forward to the exhibition with the industry as the paper, strength as a pen, 谱写百货家居行业更美好、更宏大的复苏篇章.